So there is concern about the health and stability of the Savage River Dam. A few years ago, damage to one of the four valves/gates on the dam was discovered. As far as I know, The Army Corps of Engineers is operating the dam on 3 valves. One valve is damaged. An engineering consultant was called in last year to evaluate the damage and discovered that there was “pitting” on all of the valves. The report suggests that all the valves be replaced. Now, there are liability concerns because of homes down stream of the dam, but I think the engineers who looked at the valves need to cover their “butts” because they are the one’s who signed off on the report. Just remember, the dam can operate successfully on just two of the four valves.
With all of this commotion, there are many rumors about the fishery below the dam down to the confluence of the North Branch. There has been talk of removing the trout with shocking and netting and there has also been talk about “opening” up that section of the river to fisherman so they river is clean before they drop the water levels so that repair work can be done on the valves.
I think this issue needs to be seriously looked at from all sides. The Savage River as a fishery is amazing place and arguably the best trout stream in Maryland. With the river being part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed one would think there would be federal money that can be used. Who knows though, with our country’s economy. There must be an option though, that saves the fishery and gets the valves repaired.
The word is getting around and people are getting involved. I am currently in the process of talking with Trout Unlimited and there are also local chapters that are aware of the situation. As anglers I think the best thing we can do is voice our concerns and keep our thinking caps on. In regards to a timeline, we are probably a few years away from anything happening. Feel free to email me or your local TU chapter if you have any ideas, concerns or remarks.