This is our second year doing TIC at the elementary school I teach at. Up until a few days ago we had lost all of our trout except for one. Since our first batch of eggs we have been having issues. We lost a lot of eggs and fry. This week we got a new batch of about 40 fry so our tank looks a little better than what it did. Its kind of funny to look into a 50 gallon tank and only see one little brook trout less than an inch long swimming around. I can only imagine what he is thinking. Even more so when he had 40 new friends show up from out of no where.
In a week or so I plan to have our first TIC video completed. It will be on DVD and free if you would like one. I am trying to get other schools in Alexandria tobegind the program so we can spread the word about how amazing Trout in the Classroom is. I will try and post more updates as we go a long. If you have any questions about TIC just send an email. Thanks.