Monday, November 21, 2011


Ever see the movie "Blow" with Penelope Cruz and Johnny Depp? Well its basically a regular guy who ends up being a huge dealer of Cocaine. So, I feel like I am in that movie.

My apartment is a bunker full of Claws and Tails. There are platic 4 drawer containers all over the place. Stached 4 high which just about touches the 8 foot ceilings. Right now, I have 50,000 bags with 10 claws or tails in each bag. Its sick.

The cool part is I can supply who ever needs these darn things. The better part is I don't have Cocaine piling up around my apartment. That could get complicated. Wait, tails are complicated. Ok maybe the phrase should be....."That could become illegal."

The tricky part to this tail this is marketing, getting the word out, advertising. That is the pain. its fun, trying to figure it out, but I don't make as much money selling tails and claws as I would cocaine. Hmmmm......wait...........relax. No worries.

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